Sunday, March 22, 2009

Glass class

So I've been taking a stained glass class from a very talented artist. She's also a very patient with students, otherwise she would have kicked me out the first night.

This is a class where I learned to use a sharp instrument to cut glass, a whirring grinding wheel to smooth the edges, a hot soldering iron that made lead and nickel melt whereever I let it drip and pliers, lots of different one.

And, I walked back and forth to the sessions with a bag of glass over my arm, only once slipping and falling on a thin sheet of ice, probably the only one left in town. The glass and I survived with no cracks or breaks.

This is a costly habit/hobby/art which I'm not likely to pursue rabidly. But it might be fun to use up the glass, solder, tungsten frame and sticky foil I bought,

Anyway, here's the sunrise I made.


Sally said...

Wow!!! It looks even better all put together. You are amazing. I am jealous. Maybe someday. Your teacher called and offered to set up a demo for a group of homeschoolers.

Anonymous said...

Way cool. Way, way cool. I'm amazed. Not really, I knew you would make something neato. I think you should keep doing this, Joyce.

Sally said...

(this is mckinzie and tim) COOL!!!!!!