Sunday, January 25, 2009

Another round of winter

Another round of winter hit this weekend, giving us a nice few inches of snow and covering up all the ice and dirty winter look. I headed out along the greenway this afternoon in a snowstorm with my trustee snowshoes strapped on.

I've found the snowshoes offer a mobility option that skis can't. Even on warm days when skis would stick those shoes work fine.

It wasn't sticky warm today, though, with the temperature in the mid 20s. I ran into a couple of California people on snowshoes. They had thankfully and luckily made tracks so I could see some definition. The light was very flat. As visitors often do, the couple were praising the greenway and the recreation choices it allows. They visit both summer and winter, they said. And they like to use the walk.

The past few times I've snowshoed the train it's been just me and the swans, eagles and mystery tracks. So it was nice to see someone else enjoying it, even though it was snowing and rather miserable weather.