Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pretty scary

Oh for funny grandkids. After Cord got his Halloween treat from grandma, he quickly found something scary to do with the two foil-wrapped chocolate eyeballs.
That's his mother's fingers, holding his ears back???
What would we do without Halloween and the silliness it breeds?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Cats at rest

What we have here are three cats taking some nap time, all in their own cat ways. There's Gray Cat, sleeping on her mat on a shelf above my computer. She's nearly 20, so napping is what she mainly does besides eating, and the shelf is her main downstairs bed.
Then we have Cletus, who is asleep on the couch with his tongue hanging out. That's how Cletus sleeps when he's serious about his nap. Often he's also on his back. Just not today.
And of course Baby Cat likes the empty warm dryer as she is the arthritic, heat-seeking cat. Anywhere she can find some extra therms is where she will lay her weary hurting bones. And you better not disturb her for photos, as you can see by the nonlook here. We love our cats at rest.